Short bio

Manuela Naveau, PhD (*Linz/AT) is a university professor, an independent curator and an art-based researcher. For almost 18 years she worked as head of Ars Electronica Export, curator and developed the Ars Electronica Export department together with Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker, which she led operationally since its inception. Since 2020, Manuela Naveau has been a university professor for Critical Data at the Interface Cultures Department / Institute of Media at the University of Arts Linz, which she is heading since February 2023 and initiated the Critical Data Research Group since then. Previously, she has held teaching positions at the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, the Danube University Krems among others and was invited as a guestprofessor at the Technical University in Vienna (Future.Lab). Her monography „Crowd and Art – Kunst und Partizipation im Internet“ was published by transcript Verlag, Germany. The book is based on her dissertation, for which she received the Award of Excellence from the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.

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Manuela Naveau, PhD (*Linz/AT) ist eine Universitätsprofessorin, eine unabhängige Kuratorin und arbeitet künstlerisch-forschend. Fast 18 Jahre lang war sie als Kuratorin und Projektmanagerin bei der Ars Electronica Linz tätig, wo sie gemeinsam mit dem künstlerischen Leiter Gerfried Stocker die Abteilung Ars Electronica Export aufbaute und operativ seit deren Beginn leitete. Seit 2020 ist Manuela Naveau Universitätsprofessorin für Critical Data an der Abteilung Interface Cultures, Institut für Medien der Kunstuniversität Linz, hatte Lehraufträge u.a. an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, der Donau-Universität Krems inne und wurde im Sommersemester 2021 als Gastprofessorin an die Technische Universität Wien (Future.Lab) eingeladen. Ihre Monografie „Crowd and Art – Kunst und Partizipation im Internet“ ist 2017 im transcript Verlag erschienen. Das Buch basiert auf ihrer Dissertation, für die sie 2016 mit dem österreichischen Exzellenzpreis des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft ausgezeichnet wurde.

Since February 2023: Interemistic Co-Head of the Department Interface Cultures, and Deputy Head of Institute of Media, University of Arts Linz, Austria
Since October 2020: Univ.-Prof. for Critical Data, Institute of Media, Department Interface Cultures, University of Arts Linz, Austria

Since 2021: Deputy Chair of the AKG – Working Group on Equal Opportunities at the University of Arts Linz
Since October 2021: Vice President OÖ Kunstverein
Since 2023 Advisory Board Arteconomy
Since 2020 Kuratoriumsmitglied Kulturfonds Stadt Salzburg
2017 – 2021 Steering Board: WORTH Partnership Project

2003–2020 Director and Curator, Ars Electronica Export, Linz/Austria
2021 Lecturer at Tfanen Takwin School, Tunisia (via BMEIA)
2021 Guestprofessor, TU Vienna /Technical University Vienna (future.lab)
2019 Guestprofessor, Institute of Media, Department Interface
Cultures, University of Art and Design Linz, Austria
2018 Lecturer at Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Kommunikationswissenschaften
2017–2018 Lecturer at Danube University Krems, Bildwissenschaften

Research Area: Media & Digital Art, processes of computer-based participation and interaction.
Important Results: Participation in Art is well researched, however Media Art and Digital Art have a long tradition in participatory processes that have not been taken into account by contemporary art critics and art theoreticians.

Research Area: Critical Data, Art & AI
Important Results: Artists working with data have a different approach to ethical and non-discriminatory data and data processing systems. They question notions of participation and appropriation and generate extremely valuable questions that are relevant to data scientists, computer scientists, or any other researchers working with data and data processing systems.

2024/25 Consultant/ FFG (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft/Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
2023 FeministAI – Public Lecture Series, initiator and curator
2023 ISEA2023 paper presentation (blind peer reviewed); Le Comité international de programmation (CIP); Paris
2022 ICPT2022, Member of the Scientific Committee; Nicosia/Cyprus
2022 Keynote ICPT 2022 with Joanna Zylinska and Jahna Otterbacher
2021 Keynote, BNAIC on „CRITICAL DATA and the arts – artistic works in a
calculated world“, Luxembourg University
2021 TEI Conference – 15th annual conference on tangible,
embedded, and embodied interaction; Art Chair
Since 2020, ISEA, Member of the International Programme Committee
Since 2016 XCOAX – Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X; Member of the Scientific Committee

2016 Award of Excellence; Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft Austria